Below are some great ways to boost your mood naturally and get a little happier! Of course in horse therapy just spending a little time with your horse could brighten the darest of days!
"1. “Spend time in wooded areas or green parks,” she says.
Certainly, all places in the great outdoors are not created equal. Stepping onto a busy, bustling street with cars whizzing by can easily give you a headache, and dampen your mood (especially if the area is filled with pollution).
So seek out the truly “green” spots in your area.
For instance, I love NYC, but some streets, with their honking horns and sewer-like smells can get overwhelming. But step into Central Park, and it feels like you’ve just stepped into a different, calmer and tranquil world. It’s absolutely beautiful.
If you don’t have access to a park or wooded area, Hohlbaum suggests visiting “a botanical garden or even a flower shop.”
2. Be mindful and grateful.
Pay close attention to the small stuff, to the little treasures in your surroundings: the trees, the flowers and even the outlines of each leaf, she says.
“It is a great exercise in concentration and relaxation as you become absolutely present to the current moment.”
Hohlbaum also cites Mark Coleman’s advice to recite a mindful meditation every day.. “Saying a prayer of gratitude as you observe nature can make you more aware of the true gifts the planet provides us every day,” Hohlbaum says.
3. “Connect with the earth.”
Gardening “is another really great way to literally dig into the dirt and feeling connected with nature,” Hohlbaum says. “Plant seeds or even a small garden in pots on your windowsill. Watch them grow and, with them, your confidence, connection and calm!”"
Pegasus is an organization that brings recovery through Horse Therapy and Equine Courses to help people achieve an addiction cure! Visit for more information! :)
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