Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Becoming the Awesome Person You Are!

Often times when people are around the horses in equine therapy they realize their lack of self confidence, which the horse picks up on. You are amazing! In this article from Psych Central, we will go over why "messing up" is OKAY and makes you the awesome person you are!


"The problem of rating the totality of yourself as good or bad, rather than rating your actions, or behaviors, is that you are setting yourself up to be an emotional mess.

When we make the mistake of rating ourselves as good or bad, we feel miserable for not thinking we’re good enough. Or, when we rate ourselves as good, we run the risk of setting ourselves up to feel bad when we fail at something. Either way, we’re in trouble.

Humans cannot be all good or all bad. So rating yourself this way is totally irrational. Learn to let go of this old rating system and you will feel better about yourself.

Today you may screw up that report for your boss. You may forget to wish your wife a happy anniversary, and you may act selfishly and somebody else might feel hurt. But that makes you human, as human as anyone else. For all those things that you do that may not be so great, there will be a million things that you do that are stunning. Yet most of those actions you won’t even recognize, or remember, as they’re automatic.

Yes, you are a flawed human being — but you are also amazing for it, not despite it."

Source: http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2013/04/21/you-are-amazing/

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