Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Teens with Self-Harm Videos :(

I read an article today, which I was going to post, but it wasnt completely relavent to horse therapy, and two I didn't want people to get the wrong idea. 

Basically what the article talked about was teens posting self-harm videos on youtube. This automatically seems like a bad thing from the word "self-harm", but apparently there have been good results. In the article researchers started to notice that the teens, after posting a video, would get messages and comments back from other teens as support. Or the alternative would happen. A teen would be looking for other self-harm videos on youtube and once they found them it compelled them to stop harming themselves. 

Very interesting. Honestly I think a little bit of horse therapy or some equine courses would go much further in these cases, but I'm suprised that, that little community is doing well helping eachother recovery from whatever it is they suffer! :)

If you want to read more you can check out the article...



Pegasus is an organization that brings recovery through Horse Therapy and Equine Courses to help people achieve an addiction cure! Visit PegasusEct.com for more information! :) 

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